Quickbooks gives a few different user access permission. The different user rights are below
- Company administrator - These users have all access rights within QBO and to any other services your company is subscribed to.
- Regular or custom user - You specify what areas of the product the user can and cannot access. (limited to only certain options; you cannot pick and choose from each section). I'll get into this some more below.
- Reports Only (QuickBooks Online 's version of Read Only access) - When these users log into QuickBooks Online, they see a special version that contains only reports. They can access any report (except for Payroll reports if Payroll is turned on), if those features are turned on, but they cannot change or access any of the information they see in the reports. They do have the ability to create their own memorized reports, and they are free to create a group of reports as well. Reports Only users can also drill down as far as a transaction report, but cannot drill down into the actual transactions. Reports Only users do not have access to the Activity Log.
- Time Tracking Only - Time Tracking users see a special version that contains only time sheets and time reports for themselves. They have no access to any other feature within QuickBooks Online.
Note: Time Tracking and Reports Only users do not count toward the company's total number of users. They're free, so go crazy with those users if you'd like!
With a regular or custom user, you can choose if you'd like to give them All or No access, access to Customer and Sale information, or access to Vendor and Purchasing information. Here's a breakdown of what those users can see and access:
Limited Customers & Sales Access Rights:
Will provide them all access to:
- Add, edit, delete invoices, sales receipts, estimates, refunds, charges and credits.
- Create and delete statements.
- Receive payments from customers.
- Fill out time sheets for anyone.
- Add, edit, and delete customers.
- Add, edit, and delete product/service items (note: these users will NOT be able to edit product/service items used for inventory; for that, All Access Rights should be used).
- View customer registers.
- View customer and accounts receivable reports
Will not provide them any access to:
- Print checks, including refund checks, Paychecks and Liability Checks.
- Deposits or Journal Entries.
- Make bills and purchases billable to customers.
- View, add, edit, and delete accounts.
- View bank registers.
- Quantity tracking and other inventory management functions.
- Record sales tax payments
Note: Custom users can only access payroll and recurring transactions if set up with All Rights.
Vendors & Purchases Access Rights:
Will provide them all access to:
- Enter purchase orders for vendors.
- Enter bills from vendors.
- Pay bills.
- Make bills and purchases billable to customers.
- Write checks.
- Enter credit card purchases.
- Add, edit, and delete vendors.
- View bank registers.
- View vendor and accounts payable reports.
- View Check Detail report.
- Print checks, except refund checks.
Will not provide them any access to:
- View, add, edit, and delete accounts.
- Reconcile.
- Journal Entry.
- Online Banking/Download Transactions
- Transfer.
- Deposits.
- Create Paychecks or Liability Checks.
- Add or edit tax agencies or rates.
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